Day 3: Share an old photo from a early day in your business.
"I am going to start a blog sharing business that Black Women have."
I remember telling this to a friend via Facebook Messenger while at work. This was shortly after I attended an expo that had nothing but business with White faces in attendance. It was so hard for me to believe that in 2015, I could still go somewhere and be the only Black person in the room.
This photo was taken in January 2016. I was invited to a vision/intention board party and decided to make it an all night work-a-thon. I ended up staying at the hotel that the vision party was at and a friend and I stayed up to about 3a making a plan for all the things we had placed on our vision boards.
Looking back on this photo and this event, I see that as much as things change, they stay the same. I still make intention boards, have work-a-thons with friends and I am always and forever working on a master plan.
Buy From A Black Woman Awareness Month was created as a way to highlight that Black women business owners are a valuable component of this country’s thriving economic and social force. During the month of November, Buy from a Black Woman is using their social media platform to spotlight, motivate and bring awareness to the many Black Women Business Owners who have taken the leap to create and build their own business ventures. Click here to download your 2022 Buy From A Black Woman Awarenesses Calendar.