It’s no secret that Black women lack sponsors, people who are willing to speak up for us and use their influence to support our growth. Which makes the fact that Brandy is stepping forward to be an ambassador for Buy From A Black Woman even more special.
Yes, the Brandy Norwood! The award-winning singer, songwriter and actress! She’s always been a champion for Black Women and now she’s joining our partnership with H&M to help us push for the exposure that Black Women Business Owners deserve.
Why does any of this matter?

1. Over 50% of Internet Users Follow Celebrities
Did you know that over half of people online follow some form of celebrity account on social media? This number varies by demographic, rising as high as 68% for 16 to 24 year-olds, according to audience research company GWI.
So if you connect with celebrities who are a good fit for your brand and they like what you’re doing enough to endorse it, they can significantly increase the number of people who are aware of your brand. And we already know that some consumers learn about new products through celebrity endorsements (see image below).

2. Celebrity Endorsements Increase Sales
Consumers go from learning about us from their favorite celebrities, to actually buying from us. A Harvard Business School and Barclays Capital study shows that company sales increase an average of 4% in comparison to competitors, as a result of celebrity endorsements.
We’ve supported over 600+ businesses at Buy From A Black Woman. Imagine what a 4% increase in sales for 600+ businesses could look like?

Celebrities championing our brands also makes people trust us more. According to consumer research platform Pipslay, 62% of Americans associate brand quality and integrity with celebrity endorsements. This is important because people need to trust us and the quality of our products to even shop with us. And of course because we don’t want to break the trust that an ambassador like Brandy has built up with her fans, we strive even harder to maintain the highest quality.
3. Consumers Remember Products Endorsed By Celebrities

A Taiwainese study found that whether or not they’re fans, consumers are more likely to remember products that celebrities have endorsed or promoted. This is great for us because we don’t even need to tap into their fanbase to benefit from this brand recognition. Which also means that celebrities talking about us is great for long-term brand awareness and building relationships with new audiences in general.
4. Celebrity Ambassadors Model Supportive Behavior
Increasing brand awareness and brand recognition, building our credibility, and ultimately increasing sales because of our relationships with celebrities is great. But the real power of celebrity endorsements is in the action that they take.
By standing with us, Brandy is not only shining a light on the important work we’re doing as a nonprofit, she’s showing billions of people how to be in community with us. She's showing them how to help Black Women Business Owners thrive.
Be Like Brandy

Brandy is a living example of how to use influence in a meaningful way. We’re grateful to have her by our side and we hope that you join her in supporting our cause:
The posts about Brandy actually buying from the businesses as well have been in my feed all week! She really is the best kind of supporter, you've really raised the bar with the work you're doing at Buy From A Black Woman!